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Welcome - Baruchim Habaim

Welcome - Baruchim Habaim
Welcome - Baruchim Habaim

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Shalom Kitah Gimel Students and Families #9

Chag Hanukkah Sameach! Happy Hanukkah!
How wonderful that the first night of Hanukkah falls, this year, on a Hebrew School day. We celebrated and practiced our Hebrew. After saying the Blessings for Torah Study and cookies, we played a game called, Eifo Ha S'vivonim? (Where are the dreidels?) Students were given two minutes to search the classroom for s'vivonim pictures that were well hidden in the wall displays and other spots. Everyone was a winner and had a chance to say, "Yeish li s'vivon." ("I have a dreidel.")

In preparation for the first Hanukkah candlelighting, students received a packet of Hanukkah materials which included three Blessings - two of which are said each night of Hanukkah and a third which is said only on the first night. We recited the Blessings over several Hanukkiot (menorahs) and discussed their meanings.

While munching on sweet treats and sipping juice drinks, students completed an exercise in the packet designed to review Hebrew Hanukkah vocabulary.

The Hanukkah packet, which students are bringing home, also includes a Hanukkah word search game (in Hebrew), a Hanukkiah (menorah) design page, and directions for playing the Dreidel Game. Students are invited to bring their Hanukkiah designs back to class next Wednesday and we'll display them in the classroom.

Although we are currently studying Chapter 4 in our textbook, Shalom Ivrit, students were challenged to read and understand the first pages of Chapter 7 which tell about a family celebrating Hanukkah. We practiced the new Hebrew vocabulary and language patterns together. Students were able to incorporate several new language concepts into the material with which they were already familiar.

In the final minutes of class, we had a mass s'vivon spinning. A student had brought in s'vivonim (dreidels) and I also brought my collection of Israeli s'vivonim. We all enjoyed watching the s'vivonim not only spin, but sparkle, wiggle, and flip!

Following T'fila, students, teachers, and families gathered with the Rabbi in the foyer to light the synagogue Hanukkiah, recite the Blessings and sing Hanukkah songs.

Have a bright and festive eight days and nights of Hanukkah.

L'hitraot - See you soon,
Morah Ronni

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