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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Family Shield Project - A Hanukkah Highlight

HAPPYTHANKSGIVINGHAPPYHANUKKAH - one holiday following on the heels of another. But, the Early Childhood Center at the synagogue where I teach is ready! Turkeys have been replaced by a splendid display of dreidel shaped "Family Shields."
Each ECC family received a large piece of posterboard with the outline of a dreidel drawn on it. Attached to the posterboard was the following note:
"Dear ECC Families,
Here is your "Family Shield." Decorate it any way you'd like - be creative- and then cut it out and return it to school with your child. The class with the most participation will get a treat!
Have fun and Happy Hanukkah...
from, Dale and the entire ECC faculty"

The results are spectacular! Photos, crayon and marker drawings, painted designs, cut-out shapes, pictures from books and magazines, tissue paper, cotton balls, hand prints, stickers, and glitter are among the materials which the families used to decorate their shields. From tennis rackets to Tinkerbelle; from menorahs to Magen Davids; from The Cat in the Hat to a Guatamalen Quetzal bird - the images on the Family shields express each family's unique spirit and creativity.

The Family Shield project is truly a keeper. Not only will the Shields be kept up on playroom (or even livingroom) walls long after Hanukkah, but families will always keep among their special Holiday memories, "The Hanukkah when you were little and we made our Family Shield."

Dale Cooperman, Coordinator of the Early Childhood Center, created the Family Shields project. Dale is co-author (with Idie Benjamin) of the "Drops of Honey" early childhood materials published by Torah Aura Productions

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