Shalom. Today in Hebrew class, we began with Brachot and concluded "BaSukkah" (in the Sukkah). In between, were many lively activities.
We added topics to the attendance conversation. Hebrew words for days of the week, months, Holidays in the months, and the seasons are now part of the question and answer process. Students wisely pointed out that in every month we celebrate Rosh Chodesh (the New Month) and Shabbat. In a short time, student volunteers will lead this opening conversation entirely in Hebrew.
Beginning today, a brief study of Parshat HaShavua (the weekly Torah Portion) will be a feature of each class. With the help of a bulletin board display, students identify the main ideas in each Portion and discover some Hebrew words related to that Portion. I shared a Midrash (Torah-inspired story) about King David, a spider, and a hornet. Students wondered why the spider played a greater role in the Midrash than the hornet. It was suggested that students who wished to, could write their own creative Midrash about the hornet and share it with the class.
After completing an activity sheet on masculine and feminine verb forms, we read the first story in Chapter 3 of Shalom Ivrit - "BaSukkah" (in the Sukkah). Students wrote vocabulary cards for 6 new Hebrew words to review at home.
Tov M'od (very good) - to those students who remembered to bring their vocabulary cards to class. Next week, we hope that all students will remember to bring their cards.
At T'fila, in relation to Parshat HaShavua, "Lech L'cha," students were treated to another Midrash told by the Rabbi. This Midrash described Abraham's amazing actions while working in his father's idol store.
In honor of the weekly Torah Portion, Lech L'cha, the Cantor led us in singing "L'chi Lach", a beautiful song by Debbie Friedman, which tells of God's promise to Avraham that Avraham and his descendents will have the land of Israel as their land.
Remember, families are welcome to join us in prayer, study, and song at Wednesday T'fila (5:40pm).
L'hitraot - See you soon.
Morah Ronni
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